Talisapatradi Leham – Ingredients, Uses, and Dosage

Talisapatradi Leham or Talisapatradi Lehyam is an ayurvedic medicinal preparation in the form of lehya or jam.  It is used in treating Vomiting related to Vata-Kapha, grahani, chest pain, fever, stomach ache, cold, cough, asthma, Anorexia, indigestion, gastrointestinal disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, respiratory ailments etc…

Ingredients of Talisapatradi Leham

  1. Talisapatra (Abies spectabilis) – 1 pala (48 gms)
  2. Chavika (Piper mullesua) – 1 pala (48 gms)
  3. Maricha (Piper nigrum) – 1 pala (48 gms)
  4. Krishna/Pippali (Piper longum) – 2 pala (96 gms)
  5. Pippalimoola (root of Piper longum) – 2 pala (96 gms)
  6. Shunti (Zingiber officinale) – 3 pala (144 gms)
  7. Chaturjata
    1.Twak (Cinnamomum verum) – 1 karsha (12 gms)
    2. Ela (Elattaria cardamomum) – 1 karsha (12 gms)
    3. Patra (Cinnamomum tamala) – 1 karsha (12 gms)
    4. Nagakeshara (Mesua ferrea) – 1 karsha (12 gms)
  8. Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides) – 1 karsha (12 gms)
  9. Guda/jaggery (Saccharum officinarum) – 540 gms

Preparation of Talisapatradi Leham

All the ingredients are taken crushed and made powder separately. Then all the powders mixed together by taking in specified quantity. Then the jaggery is heated and melted. To the melted jaggery the powders are added and stirred well till it becomes thick in consistency. Then when it cools down it should be stored for use.

Indications of Talisapatradi Leham

  1. Vata shleshmaja chardi (vomiting related to Vata-Kapha)
  2. Grahani (a type of digestive disorder)
  3. Parshwa shoola (pain in the flanks)
  4. Hrudroga (cardiac diseases)
  5. Jwara (fever)
  6. Shwayathu (edema)
  7. Pandu (anemia)
  8. Gulma (abdominal tumor)
  9. Panatyaya (alcoholism)
  10. Arshas (hemorrhoids/piles)
  11. Praseka (excessive salivation)
  12. Pinasa (running nose)
  13. Shwasa (breathing difficulties)
  14. Kasa (cough)

Mode of usage, Dose, and Adjuvant

In general, it is advised 5 to 15 gms once or twice in a day or as directed by the physician for internal administration.

If the preparation includes Abhaya  then it is more of anulomaka in nature compared to Talisapatradi Vatakam

There is one more preparation taken from the sahasra yoga the ingredients are as below

Madhura Dravya (sweetening substances)

  1. Khanda Sita (Saccharum officinarum)
  2. Madhu (honey)

Drava Dravya (liquid material)

  1. Jalam (water)

Prakshepa Choorna (powdered materials to be added at the last)

  1. Talisapatram (Abies spectabilis)
  2. Chavyam (Piper mullesua)
  3. Maricha (Piper nigrum)
  4. Pippali (Piper longum)
  5. Pippali moola (root of Piper longum)
  6. Kushtam (Sassurea costu)
  7. Kakkolam (Illicium verum)
  8. Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
  9. Twak (Cinnamomum verum)
  10. Ela (Elattaria cardamomum)
  11. Patra (Cinnamomum tamala)
  12. Nagakeshara (Mesua ferrea)
  13. Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
  14. Karpoora (Cinnamomum camphora)

Preparation of Thaaleesapatradi leham

It has to be prepared as the leha preparation method. All the ingredients are taken together and made powder separately in the specified quantity. Water is boiled adding jaggery heated till it attains thick in consistency. When it becomes thick the powders are to be added and mixed well. The once it cools down honey is added along with karpoora and stored for use.

Indications of Thaaleesapatradi leham

  1. Shwasa (breathing difficulties)
  2. Kasa (cough)
  3. Hikka (hiccup)
  4. Kshavathu (sneezing)

Mode of usage, Dose, and Adjuvant

5 to 10 gms per day taken at intervals or as directed by the physician


  1. Astanga Hrudaya Chikitsa Stana 10/16-21
  2. Sahasrayoga

Also, read Talisapatradi Choornam

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