Akarakarabhadi Gulika – Ingredients, Uses and Dosage

Akarakarabhadi Gulika or Akarakarabhadi Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicinal preparation in the form of tablet. It is used in treating premature ejaculation.

Ingredients of Akarakarabhadi Gulika

  1. Chandana (Santalum album) – 0.016g
  2. Jatikosha (Myristica fragrens – Nutmeg) – 0.016g
  3. Pippali (Piper longum) -0.016g
  4. Ahiphena (Papaver somniferum) – 0.063g
  5. Shunti (Zingiber offinale) – 0.016g
  6. Hingula (Cinnabar) – 0.004g
  7. Jatiphala (Myristica fragrens – Mace) – 0.016g
  8. Kumkuma (Crocus sativus) – 0.016g
  9. Gandhaka (Sulphur) -0.004g
  10. Lavanga (Cinnamomum verum) – 0.016g
  11. Akarakarabha (Anacyclus pyrethrum) – 0.016g
  12. Nagavalli swarara (fresh juice of Piper betel) – Quantity sufficient

Preparation of Akarakarabhadi Gulika

All the ingredients are taken in specified quantity. The drugs which are intended to undergo  purification has to be purified according to the purificatory procedures explained in the texts. Then all the ingredients are made powder and mixed together. The mixed powder then made paste by using the juice of beetle leaves. Then the paste is rolled out as pills are allowed to dry stored for use.

Indications of Akarakarabhadi Gulika

  1. Shigra Skalana (Premature ejaculation)

Mode of use, Dosage and Adjuvant

In general it is advised 1 to 3 tabs per day as directed by the physician.Tablets can be swallowed as per the dose prescribed. Akarakarabhadi Gulikas are for internal use may be mixed with lukewarm water or any other prescribed drava dravya (liquid material) or any suitable adjuvant.


  1. Yoga Grantham

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