Aadaarikaadi Kashayam – Ingredients, Uses, and Dosage

Aadaarikaadi Kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicinal preperation in the form of decoction. It is used in treating Calcaneal Spur, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica with Radiculopathy, Sciatic Neuritis, Achilles Tendonitis, etc…

Ingredients of Aadaarikaadi Kashayam :

  1. Aadaari (Caesalpinia mimosoides larnk.) – 1 part
  2. Sahacara (Stroblanthes ciliatus (nees) Bremek.) – 1 part

Preperation of Aadaarikaadi Kashayam 

The drugs mentioned above are boiled in 16 times water and reduced to 1/4 in a mild fire. Then strain the liquid and use it within 12 hours of preparation.

Today these decoctions are further concentrated to 1/8 and filtered. Then food-grade preservatives are filled in air-tight bottles for use. This helps in elongating the shelf life of the medicine.

In general, the concentrated kashayam is further evaporated and powdered, and made into tablets using approved excipients. Each Kashayam tablet is prepared out of 8 grams of raw materials.

Indication of Aadaarikaadi Kashayam

  1. Kajanja (Limp affecting one lower limb)
  2. Pangu ( Limp affecting both lower limbs)

Mode of Use, Dosage, and Adjuvants

Freshly prepared Aadaarikaadi Kashayam textual dosage is 1 pala (48ml) and can be taken once or twice daily or as advised by the physician.

The bottled kashayam is advised to take 10 to 15 ml for adults and 5 to 10 ml for children or as directed by the Physician.

Aadaarikaadi Kashayam Tablets if available are advised to take 2 to 3 tablets for adults and 1 to 2 tablets for children or as directed by the Physician.

Bala Thaila is advised as an ideal adjuvant along with the decoction.

  1. Sahasrayoga
  2. Bhat PB, Hegde S, Upadhya V, Hegde GR, Habbu PV, Mulgund GS. Evaluation of wound healing property of Caesalpinia mimosoides Lam. J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Dec 4;193:712-724. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.10.009. Epub 2016 Oct 5. PMID: 27717906.

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