Karpura Rasa – Ingredients, Uses, and Dosage

Karpura Rasa is a herbo mineral ayurvedic medicinal preperation in pills. Karpura rasa is used in treating fever with diarrhea, diarrhea, bleeding diarrhea, and digestive disorder (grahani).

Other names : Karpoora Rasa, Karpura rasa gulika

Ingredients of Karpura Rasa

  1. Shuddha Hingula (Cinnabar) – 1 part
  2. Shuddha Ahiphena (Papaver somniferum) – 1 part
  3. Musta (Cyprus rotundus) – 1 part
  4. Indrayava (Holarrhena antidysentrica) – 1 part
  5. Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans) -1 part
  6. Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora) 1 part
  7. Jala (Water) Quantity sufficient

Preparation of Karpura Rasa

Cinnabar (hingula) is taken and purification (shodhana) is done by triturating (bhavana) it with lemon juice (nimbu swarasa) seven times and later should be washed with lukewarm water (sukoshna jala).

In a similar way, Ahiphena (Papaver somniferum) is purified by triturating (bhavana) with the juice of shringaveera swarasa (fresh juice of ginger – Zingiber officinale.) twenty-one times.

After purification, both are made into fine powder and sieved through the cloth. The fine powders are mixed together along with other powders. This mixture is mixed well and triturated (bhavana) with sufficient water.

Once the mixture attains the rollable consistency pills are rolled out with the size of two gunja (250mgs) pramana and should be allowed to dry in the shade. Once the pills are dried completely they should be filled in an airtight glass jar for storage.

Indication of Karpura Rasa

  1. Atisara (diarrhea)
  2. Jwaratisara (diarrhea with fever)
  3. 6 types of Grahani (digestive disorders like IBS)
  4. Raktatisara (bleeding diarrhea)

Dosage and Adjuvant :

In general adult dosage is 2 gunja (250 mg) twice or thrice daily or as suggested by the doctor.


  1. Bhaishajya ratnavali, Atisararogadhikara, 7/161-162

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