Nisha amalaki Choorna

Nisha amalaki Choorna

Nisha amalaki Choorna is one of the effective formulations explained in astangahradaya for the management of diabetes or Prameha.

Ingredients of Nisha amalaki Choorna:

  1. Nisha/Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  2. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)

Indication of Nisha amalaki Choorna:

  1. Prameha

Anupana :

  1. Madhu/Honey

Mode of use:

Dhatri/Amalaki swarasa (juice of Emblica officinalis) with Nisha/Haridra (Curcuma longa) along with honey in empty stomach early morning is effective in Diabetes or Prameha.

Reference :

  1. Astanga hrudaya chikitsa stana 12/5

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