
Chitrakasava or Chitrakasavam is an ayurvedic alcoholic preparation. It is used in treating shwitra (leucoderma) and other skin diseases.

Ingredients of Chitrakasavam

  1. Gomutra (cow urine)
  2. Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica)
  3. Vyosha (Trikatu)
    1. Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
    2. Maricha(Piper nigrum)
    3. Pippali(Piper longum)

Madhura Dravya (sweetening material)

  1. Kshaudra (honey)

Chitrakasavam Preparation :

All these ingredients along with water are taken in a vessel smeared with ghee. Left for fermentation for 15 days, then the contents are filtered.

Indication of Chitrakasavam 

  1. Shwitra – leucoderma
  2. Kushta – skin diseases.

Dosage of Chitrakasavam:

  1. 15 – 30 ml or as directed by the physician.


  1. Astanga hrudaya chikitsa sthana 20/7

Also read about Gomutrasava, Chitrakadi Vati

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