Ashwagandhadi Choorna

Ashwagandhadi Choorna

Ashwagandhadi Choorna is an ayurvedic medicinal powder. It is used in treating Kapha predominant diseases, Vataja diseases, Anemia, depletion etc…

Ingredients of Ashwagandhadi Choorna

  1. Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) – 1 part
  2. Naga/Naga kesara (Messua ferrua) – 2 parts
  3. Ela (Elettaria cardamom) – 4 parts
  4. Maricha (Piper nigrum) – 8 parts
  5. Magadha/Pippali (Piper longum – 16 parts
  6. Nagara/Sunthi (Zingiber officinale – 32 parts
  7. Vaji gandha/Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – 64 parts
  8. Sita (sugar candy) – equal to above all

Procedure – Prepare choorna with the above drugs taken in specified quantity.

Indications of  Ashwagandhadi Choorna

  1. Sleshma roga – Kaphaja diseases
  2. Krimi – Worm infestation
  3. Vata – Vataja diseases
  4. Pandu – Anemia
  5. Gulma – Admoninal tumors
  6. Kshaya – Depletive diseases
  7. Arshas – Haemorrhoids
  8. Ajirna – Indigestion
  9. Shoola – Pain
  10. Kasa – Cough
  11. Parshwa shoola – Pain in flanks
  12. Hridroga – Heart disease
  13. Sutika Roga – Postpartum diseases
  14. Meha – Diabetes
  15. Shwasa – Breathing difficulties like Asthma
  16. Hikka – Hiccups
  17. Jwara – Fever

Mode of administration :

Ashwagandhadi Choorna is administered internally with suitable adjuvents like ghee, hot water, honey etc….

Dosage of Ashwagandhadi Choorna 

In general 3 to 12 gms per day or as advised by the physician.


  1. Sahasra Yoga Choorna Prakaranam

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